
Doula Business Website

Designing a doula business website that differentiates itself through illustrations and storytelling


Doulas often use similar text and images for marketing their services to expecting parents—the brand strategy intended to differentiate services and communicate the individualized services through copy and imagery.


Developed brand and strategy.

Designed and developed website using Squarespace.

Created illustrations.

Wrote engaging copy.




Birth is unpredictable, and for many parents, it is the first time having the experience or working with a doula, so the writing of the doula’s services serves to clarify the process of working with a doula. The copywriting was intended to sound like a hug and reassure the reader that their needs would be met.


A custom illustration system was developed to differentiate the brand from other doula services. It was inspired by cut paper and is inclusive of a variety of people to reinforce the business’s mission.
